Wednesday 7 September 2011

A Reflective Mistake

I was reading back on that previous blog I made and immediately noticed a fundamental flaw with what I had posted; it was unashamedly contradictory. I stated that this was my first foray into the world of the online blogging malarky and then proceeded, just a few short paragraphs later, to proclaim that this was my first online blog since I was 15. For that I apologise and am outlandishly baffled as to how I could overlook this preposterous error.

Only kidding, I don't particular hold any caring to that whatsoever but it leads nicely into a subject that has weighed heavily on this sweet brain o' mine for the past few years.

It's common knowledge that we all make mistakes. They come in all categories, all forms, all shapes, all sizes and all costs; whether that cost be of a monetary cost, a sentimental cost or something much dearer to your heart. It will probably shock 0.000000001% of the population (that's roughly 7 people worldwide. Arithmetic.) I have made a lot of mistakes in my time. Some more grave than others. Some that are mildly silly on reflection but have caused me undue sadness when I've reflected on them. Some that question my sense of worth and morality and some that just plain make me laugh.

The worst thing I have done that I can recall was a sunny June day where I gave in to temptation and the resultant butterfly effect led to disastrous consequences; I lost one hell of a good band, some of the best friends I've ever had and really called into question the type of person that I was aiming to be. The worst thing was the sense of betrayal that I had inflicted upon one of my said friends; something I thought I could never do. Sure, I can be a bit of a jerk some times but I never once saw myself being that guy. To add insult to injury, the person in question was one of the most genuinely fantastic people I had ever gotten to know; someone that actually made me feel better about myself just being around them; someone who would probably give you his last Rolo and be happy to do so (you wouldn't get that off me as they make my tongue think pleasant things about my choice of confectionary). To do that to someone like that truly is shit and I have no-one to blame except myself. This is a burden I will have to carry with me for the rest of my life and it is only now that I have started to come to terms with this situation (only 2 years later, no big deal right?). For a whole year I was incredibly depressed and it's only on reflection that I can see this. I probably embarked on this chapter of my life in entirely the wrong manner but I feel that the ordeal has helped me grow as a person and make me truly value what I have around me. It sounds corny but it's unbelievably true. The chances of him reading this are so remote it's crazy (out of 6.94 billion people, what do you rate my odds?) but should he ever throw my name into the God of the Internet that is Google and come across this, I'd like to offer my most sincere apologies to Simon.

I guess that the message I'm trying to get across here is exactly what I said earlier. Everyone makes mistakes and not everyone gets to have a second chance from the mistakes they make. This is a simple fact of life and this whole growing up business, I suppose. Should anyone ever read this who may be carrying a burden of similar weight, try not to get too down about it. I'm going to take a line from a Strung Out song here and say that 'sometimes you get too close to see a whole different side of what life could be. Don't stare too hard; take a look around.'

Sunday 21 August 2011

A Weekend

So here I am, attempting my first foray into the world of this blogging malarky. I'm assuming that I'm going to be writing various musings that venture into my head through the course of the average day. Currently it is 1:06am and I am not thinking much other than ".....I really should be going to bed considering I have work in less than 7 hours and MY GOD the auto save on this thing is beyond annoying."

Touching on that I might spend the next several minutes looking into the possibility of turning this bastard thing off.

Or not. I don't know.

As you may or may not have noticed, I imaginatively titled this particular entry "A Weekend" with the initial premise that I was going to capture the events of the weekend gone in word form, forever to be saved in the world of the interwebz, maybe for years, decades, centuries... MILLENIA!! to come, hoping that 100 years from now some lost soul would stumble upon this gathering of words and be amazed at what we did for fun in 2011. But then I thought nah, this auto-save feature is really driving me to the brink of a straight-jacket (do you think anyone has ever been committed due to an online blogging auto-saver?), what I did wasn't of much interest, I should be sleeping and most of all, I should be sleeping. Maybe tomorrow. Knowing me, maybe not.

So here we are. My first blog since I was 15 and had a blog entitled "FilledWivHate" where it encapsulated my angry youth. I have a feeling that this time around... it'll probably be the same type of rambling nonsense that I spent my formative years angrily bashing out on a keyboard (that sounds a bit rude) though, hopefully, with less hate. I feel I may be a little less angry these days (unless you're the type to think I can correctly guess when you're turning whilst driving so neglect to indicate), only time will tell, should I decide to come back here.

Hopefully there will be less "Wiv", too.